Mehdi's Teachings

 By Promised Mehdi Web Page.

Syed Mohammed, the promised Mehdi, (A.S.) stressed the love of Allah and asked the Ummah to practice the following tenets to achieve nearness to Allah and His Gnosis (Irfa'n), which is considered as the basic objective of human existence: These are also known as Faraiz-e-Vilayat. These are listed below along with the relevant Qur'anic verses.


1. Tark-e-Duniya (Renunciation of the World)

Allah says:-

(S11-A15) "Those who are desirous of wordly life and its splendour, we reward their deeds in this world only, and they will have nothing but hell hearafter"

Hadith Shareef of the Holy prophet, love of the world is the root of all sins (evils) (Baihaqui)

2. Talab-e-Deedar (Desire for Vision)

Allah says:-

(S18-A110) One who wishes to meet (See) God, he should do virtuous deeds and never make
any one His partner in worshipping Him.

3. Zikr-e-Dwam (Constant Rememberance of Allah within)

Allah says:-

(S4-A103) Thus always remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down on your sides.

4. Tawakkal (Dependance on Allah)

Allah says:-

(S3-A159) Thus have trust in Allah indeed God loves those who have put trust in Him.

5. Sohbat-e-Sadiqeen (Company of Ascetics)

Allah says:-

(S9-A119) O, believers fear Allah and be with the ascetics

6. Hijrath (Migration)

Allah says:-

(S4-A97) Whether the earth of Allah was not wide enough to leave the native place and
go to some other place. Such people will be thrown in to the Hell and it is a very terrible place.

7. Uzhlat-az-Khalq (Retreat)

Allah says:-

(S73-A8) Come towards Allah leaving every one (Isolate from others)


1. Resignation to the Divine Will (Tawakkul):

"And trust upon Allah if you are the true faithful." (AL-IMRAN/159)

2. Constant remembrance of Allah (Dhikr-e-Dawaam):

"O! believers remember Allah, remember abundantly." (AL-AHZAB/41)

3. Migration (Hijrat):

"Lo! as for those whom the angles take (in death) while they wrong themselves, (the angels) will ask: In what were ye engaged? They will say: We were oppressed in the land. (The angels) will say: Was not Allah's earth spacious that ye could have migrated therein? As for such, their habitation will be Hell, an evil journey's end; (AL-NISA/97)

4. Living in the company of the Pious (Sohbat-e-Sadiqueen):

"O! true believers fear Allah and be with the ascetics." (AL-TAUBAH/119)

5. Self negation (Tark-e-Duniya or Tark-e-Hasti):

"Thus, one who disobeys and adopts the worldly life indeed the Hell is his abode." (AL-ANFAL/37-39)

6. Recluse from people(Uzlat-az-Khalq):

" And remember Allah and keep secluded (yourself) from others." (AL-MUZZAMMIL/8)

7. Teith (Ushr):

"O! ye who believe, give off the good things which ye have (honorably) earned, and of that which we bring forth from the earth for you." (AL-BAQARAH/267)

8. Quest for the vision of Allah (Talab-e-Deedar-e-Khuda).

"One who is desirous of having visual perception of Allah should do righteous deeds and should not indulge in infidelity (shirk)" (AL-KAHF/110)

(Tawakkul): Resignation to the Divine Will - Go Back

(Dhikr-e-Dawaam): Constant remembrance of Allah - Go Back

The Caliph of Allah, Imam Mehdi pbuh has laid down certain obligations by the commandment of Allah. These obligations are called Faraiz-e-Vilayat. Constant remembrance of Allah (Dhikr-e-Dawaam) is one of them.

Mehdi Alahis-salaam said that Dhikr-e-Dawaam (Constant remembrance of Allah) is obligatory by the Commandment of Allah and by the commandment of the Book of Allah (Qur’an), and whatever is hindering the remembrance of Allah is forbidden. (Insaaf Naama, chapter 5)

It is well known that the commandment of Allah is obligatory. For instance, Allah ordains in Qur’an to obey Him and to obey His messenger. This is an order (commandment) which indicates that obeying Allah and His messenger (Muhammad pbuh) is obligatory. Similarly Allah says "remember Allah – standing and sitting, and lying down". Here again, this is an order or commandment from Allah to remember Him. Thus, it becomes obligatory.

Some of the Qur’anic verses, Ahadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh), and Naqliyaat (Sayings of Imam Mehdi pbuh) are given below to highlight the importance of remembering Allah.


  • "Therefore remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me, and reject not Me" (Al Baqarah V 152)

Ahadith: (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad pbuh )

  • "This world and all it contains are accursed, except for the remembrance of Allah, Most High, that which He loves, someone with sacred knowledge or someone learning."
  • "Do not speak much without mentioning Allah (Dhikr) for too much speech without mentioning Allah hardens the heart, and the hardhearted are the farthest of all people from Allah, Most High." (Tirmidhi).
  • "All of a human being’s words count against him, except commanding the right (Amar-Bil-Ma’ruf), forbidding the wrong (Nahi-Unil-Munkar), and the mention of Allah, Most High (Allah’s Dhikr)" (Ibn-Maja & Tirmidhi).
  • "The Prophet pbuh said, "The best thing I or any of the prophets (pbut) before me have said is there is no God but Allah. (La Ilaha Illallah).
  • It is reported by Ummul-Mumineen (mother of the faithful) Hazrath A’yesha(RZ) that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to keep remembering Allah every moment, all the time. (Tirmidhi, Mishkaat).
  • Abu Sayeed Khudri reported that somebody asked the Messenger of Allah pbuh as to which of a servant is superior in rank with Allah, on the Day of Resurrection? The Messenger of Allah pbuh said that those who remember Allah most. The man asked, O Messenger of Allah pbuh, would he (be the one who remembers Allah) superior even to the Ghazi (a warrior who survives a battle)? The Prophet pbuh said, if a Ghazi fights the disbelievers and the polytheists with his sword, to the extent that the sword become bloody and is finally broken, even then those who remember Allah unceasingly would be superior to the Ghazi in rank. (Tirmidhi).
  • Abu Darda RZ narrated that once the prophet pbuh asked his companions, shouldn’t I inform you of the best of (religious) practices which your Lord likes most and which elevates your ranks with Him, and which is better than spending gold and silver in the way of Allah. It is also better than your fighting with the enemies of your faith. it is also better than your chopping their necks and their cutting your necks? The companions said, why not? The Prophet (pbuh) said, it is the remembrance of Allah.
  • Ibn Abbas RZ reported that the Messenger of Allah pbuh said that Satan (devil) is always perching upon the heart of Ibn-e-Adam (every human being). When he remembers God, Satan withdraws from him and when he is negligent, Satan whispers wicked incitements into his heart. (Bukhari and Mishkat).
  • Abu Musa RZ narrated that the Messenger of Allah pbuh said that those who remember Allah and those who do not, are just like the living and the dead. (BukhariMuslim and Mishkat).
  • Abdullah Ibn Omer RZ narrated that the Prophet of Allah pbuh said that every thing has something else to polish, refine and make it shiny. Such a polish for heart is the remembrance of Allah. There is no more salvaging from the torment of God than remembrance of Allah. The companions RZ asked if "Jihad in the way of Allah" was not equal to this. The Prophet pbuh replied: No, even if you got your sword broken fighting the enemies of the faith.
  • The super-most Dhikr (invocation) is " La Ilaha Illallah", i.e., there is none to be worshipped but Allah.

Naqliyat: (The sayings of Mehdil-ul-Ma’ood pbuh )

  • "Wherever you be, be in the remembrance of Allah."
  • "Negligence from Allah is forbidden (Haraam), and whatever makes you heedless toward Allah is also forbidden."
  • Imam Mehdi, the Promised pbuh said that the most perfect faithful is the one who keeps remembering Allah all the time.
  • Once, Imam Mehdi-ul-Ma’ud pbuh found two or three persons engaged in talking. Coming to them he asked, "What are you doing"? They replied, "we are telling some religious tales."
    The Imam pbuh told them, "Brothers, you will not find Allah, the Most High, through stories. Perform Dhikr. Except Dhikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) there is no way to reach Allah.
  • Whenever, Imam Mehdi pbuh asked someone: "Are you comfortable?’ the person would reply: "yes", then the Imam pbuh used to say: "This servant of Allah, is not inquiring about your out-wardly comfort. Is the heart attached to Allah?" (Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdul-Rasheed (RZ)
  • Once the Imam pbuh recited the verse of Qur’an:
    …….."Those who remember Allah, when they stand and when they sit and when they lie down". Commanded by Allah, the Most High, the Imam pbuh said that this is the trait of the community of Mehdi.
  • Imam Mehdi pbuh , the promised, said that Mu’min (believer) is one who keeps his attention towards Allah during the morning and evening hours and under all circumstances. (Ha’shia Insaf Na’mah).
  • The Imam pbuh said that La Ilaha Illallah should have the same effect on the heart of a believer as a sparkle would in a house full of cotton. i.e., it burns out all the cotton. This phrase (La Ilaha Illallah) has such a quality that it burns out all the attachments other than that of Allah. (Naqliyat Miyan Abdur-Rasheed RZ ).

Team Mehdavia Mysuru 


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