Imam Mehdi 

Syed Mohammed (A.S.) was born on 14th of Jamadi-ul-Awwal 847 H, (Sept. 9, 1443 AD) at Jaunpur (India) which was, at that time, a famous center of Muslim scholars. He stands 19th in the lineage of Ali Ibn Abu-Talib and descends from Imam-e-Hussain (R), the grand -son of Prophet Mohammed(S.A.S).

Syed Mohammed(A.S.), the promised Mehdi, neither presented any new religion nor claimed himself to be a prophet, but declared himself as "THE PROMISED MEHDI", and a Caliph of Allah. He taught the true inner meaning of Qur'an and strictly adhere to Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed(pbuh). Once, the promised Mehdi(A.S.) said, "My religion is the Book of Allah (Qur'an) and the following of Prophet Mohammed(pbuh)". He proclaimed himself as the Promised Mehdi

on three different occasions: First at Mecca in 901 H, then at

Ahmedabad(India) in 903 H, and for the third time at Badli(India) in 905 H.

After the Dawa-e-Muakkada at Badli, Imam (pbuh) wrote letters to kings and noted scholars inviting them to testify his claim and accept him as the Promised Mehdi. Several delegations of scholars came to the Imam (pbuh) and accepted him as promised Mehdi after clarifying their doubts. From Badli, he (pbuh) went to Tharod, Jalor, Nagaur, Jaisalmer (India), and entered into Sindh province. This journey was very difficult, but with the help of Allah, they could cross the vast desert where food and water were scarce for miles.

It was in 908 Hijri, when the Caliph of Allah, the promised Mehdi (pbuh) was at Kaha (Thatta, Sindh), Allah revealed to him that the 27th of Ramadan is the Night of Divine Determination (Lailatul-Qadr). Allah also ordained him to offer two Rakah of prayer as a thanksgiving for His blessings. Thus, Imam Mehdi (pbuh) offered this prayer after midnight along with his members of family and the members of Dairah. (Community Circle) following the practice of the Prophet (pbuh). (It is for this invaluable blessing of the Almighty Allah that every Mahdavi performs Dhikr-ullah during the whole night and offers this two Rakahs of prayer on that night as an obligatory thanksgiving, after Isha prayer.)

From Sindh, the Imam (pbuh) reached Kandahar (in Afghanistan) through Khurasan. There were thousands of people in this journey who had joined the Imam (pbuh) not for any worldly desire but to find nearness to Allah and His Gnosis. While passing through a hilly track, the Imam (pbuh) climbed a hillock and turned back to see the caravan. This Caravan included women and children, young and old, kings (those who left their kingdoms to join this holy mission), scholars, priests etc. These people could have a comfortable life at their homeland, but, for their conviction to the path of Allah, they were coming behind the Imam (pbuh) without complaining the hardship of the journey. At this point the Imam (pbuh) prayed Allah thus:

O God! Omniscient and Omnipresent thou know that I did not hold any dearest thing of these people nor I can give them “any riches than they love. Know then why they are undergoing such hardships. Excepting Thy love and desire to visualize thou, they had no other desire. Bless them with thy mercy.”

Imam (pbuh) reached Kandahar after completing the journey of Khurasan. He stayed here for a fortnight. The acceptance of Imam Mehdi (pbuh) by the Governor of Kandahar had a very positive effect. Finally the Imam (pbuh) reached Farah (a city in Afghanistan). As usual he started delivering his sermons (Bayan-e-Qur’an) at this place. The Governor of Farah (Mir Dhunoon Baig), after learning about the Imam (pbuh), came to one of his sermons. At that time thousands of people from Farah were listening the holy sermons. At the end of the Sermon, Mir Dhunoon wanted to verify the truth of his claim as promised Mehdi. (for test of a Hadith by Mir Dhunoon, see an article under literature).

Mir Dhunoon and other scholars have accepted the Imam (pbuh) as the Promised Mehdi. The Governor wrote a letter to the king of Khurasan, Mirza Sultan Hussain about the Dawah of Hazrath Syed Muhammad as the Promised Mehdi. He also mentioned in his letter that he has accepted him after due verification.

Sultan Hussain, the king of Khurasan, sent a delegation lead by Mullah Ali Faiyadh. They came and attended his sermon. At the end, they submitted that they were sent by the king with four vital questions. After getting a satisfactory response, they (members of the delegation) informed the king about the claim, personality, characteristics and knowledge of the Imam (pbuh) and his group. The king announced that basing on the valuable witness of the delegated scholars, he had accepted Miran Syed Muhammad (Juanpuri) as the Promised Mehdi.

Meanwhile, the other companions of the Imam, including Miran Syed Mahmood (rz), eldest son of the Imam (pbuh), Mian Syed Khundmir (rz), Mian Shah Niamath (rz), joined him from Gujarat. After the arrival of this delegation from Gujarat, Imam (pbuh) started preaching the faith much deeper.

The Imam (pbuh) had a fever; he called Mian Syed Khundmir and rested his head on Mian Syed Khundmir’s lap. He recited the following Qur’anic verse and explained the true inner meanings of this verse.

Say thou (O Muhammad) “This is my way, I do invite unto Allah on an insight clear as the seeing with one’s eyes, I and the one who followeth me. Glory be to Allah! and I am not of the polytheists!” ( Al-Qur’an 12/108)

The Caliph of Allah, [the Promised Mehdi *] has left this world. on Zulquada 19th, 910 Hijri (April 23, 1505 AD) at the age of 63 years. (847H – 910H)

An-nal Mehdi-yal Ma’ooda Qad Jaa’a WA Madha. Imamuna, Amanna WA Saddaqna.


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