Aaj ka paigham

Assalamalaikum vo rahmathullahi vo barkatuhu 

Aaj ka paigham 

               The Wisdom Behind Fasting

Fasting in Ramadhan is not merely physically restraining from the obvious food and drink, but the total commitment of the servant's body and soul to the letter and spirit of fasting.

The fast of the self, means to be free from all carnal desires.

The fast of the mind is avoiding thoughts about things other than Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He).

The fast of the hand is not touching/taking what does not belong to it.

The fast of the nose means not sniffing or smelling unlawful things.

The fast of the feet is not going places where sinful acts are propagated.

The fast of the eye is to prevent it from seeing forbidden things.
Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He) says in Al Quran


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