Seerat Sani-e-MahdiRZ

Seerat Sani-e-MahdiRZ  


Khalifa-e-Awwal, Bandagi Miran Hazrat




Syed as-Sadaat, Manba'-al-Barkaat Siddiq-e-Akbar Hazrat Sani-e-Mahdi1 Hazrat Syed MahmoodRZ was born in Jaunpur [in what is now called Uttar Pradesh, India]. He was the eldest son of Khatam al-Awlia, Amrullah, Muradullah, Khalifatullah2 Hazrat Syed Muhammad Mahdi Mau'oodAS 3 . Hazrat Bibi BadhanjiRZ was his sister, two years elder to him. The age of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS was 22 years at the time of the birth Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ. Hazrat Imam MahdiAS started his life long migration at the age of forty from Jaunpur. At that time the age of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ was 18 years.


The first camp of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS after he left Jaunpur was Danapur [now in Bihar, India]. Here Hazrat Bibi IlahdatiRZ, wife of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS, saw in a dream. During this dream, the BibiRZ came to know that Hazrat Imam Syed MuhammadAS was the Mahdi Mau'oodAS 4 . She told the details of the dream to Hazrat ImamAS. He told her that all that she had seen and heard in her dream was true. She confirmed [performed the tasdiq] of his being the Mahdi Mau'oodAS. She was the first among the women to achieve this honour. The BibiRZ was the first wife of Hazrat ImamAS and his first cousin.

When this conversation between Hazrat ImamAS and his wife was going on, Hazrat Miran Syed MahmoodRZ heard it as he was standing outside the tent with the result that he experienced a divine ecstasy and fell down. Hazrat Imam MahdiAS came out of the tent and carried him inside the tent. Later, when he regained his consciousness, he performed the tasdiq of his father as the Mahdi Mau'ood. The third person to perform similar tasdiq on that day was Hazrat Shah DilawarRZ who in due course became the fifth Khalifa [successor] of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS.

Hazrat Imam MahdiAS was in continuous migration for 23 years till his last breath. During a large part of this journey, Hazrat Syed MahmoodRZ was in the company of his blessed father. He was educated in the guidance of his father.

Death of BibiRZ

Visiting various places, Hazrat Imam MahdiAS reached the town of Chapanir [in Gujarat, Western India]. Hazrat Bibi IlahditiRZ expired and she was buried at the foot of the Dongri hill. After this Hazrat Imam MahdiAS visited many places in the Deccan [South India] and came to Gulbarga and Bijapur [now in Karnataka, India]. Then the ImamRZ went on a pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia and performed Haj5 in the year 901 AH where he proclaimed to be Mahdi Mau'oodAS. On his return to India, he reiterated his claim at Ahmadabad in 903 AH for the second time. His third claim, which is called the Dawa-e-Muakkad, came at Barhli near Patan in Gujarat, India in 905 AH. All these years, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ remained in the august company of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS.

In 903 AH before the Dawa-e-Muakkad, Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS went to the city of Patan in Gujarat and stayed there for a long time. During this stay, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ asked Hazrat Imam MahdiAS one day, "A person is a faqir from the day he is born. Another person gives up the world and performs tark-e-dunya. What are the ranks of these two persons?" Hazrat Imam MahdiAS said, "The difference between the two is like the difference between the earth and the sky. He will get as much as he has left in [this] world. [He will get] ten times here and seventy times in the Hereafter."

"Remain in Remembrance of God"

After this Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ prepared for the journey and came in the august presence of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. Hazrat ImamAS was performing the wazu [ablutions] for the Zuhr [afternoon] prayers. Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ sought permission [to embark on journey]. Hazrat Imam MahdiAS told him, "Mount the steed! Remain in the remembrance of Allah, wherever you are. You are in the panah [protection] of Allah. It is easy for Allah Most High to bring you near us Insha Allah [God willing]. Assalam 'Alaikum!"

With tears in his eyes, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ started his journey. Completing the day's journey, he halted for the night. A trader joined him as he proceeded further. At the next halt two persons joined him. By the time he reached Chapanir, there were ten persons with him. He camped at a garden in Chapanir and sent two of his companions to inform Syed Usman, a minister in the Government of Gujarat, of his arrival. Syed Usman had performed the tasdiq of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS. Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ's message was: "Allah Most High has brought me here. I have come with the intention of seeking employment."

Syed Usman was very happy at this. He sent the necessary things, horses, camels etc. He also informed the king of Gujarat, Sultan Mahmud Be-Gadha6 . The Sultan met Hazrat Bandagi MiranRZ after inviting him to his court. He gave one hundred thousand Tinkas7 , and appointed him to a high position in his army. He also gave the jagir8 of Biramgaon and Sanchuri to Hazrat Bandagi MiranRZ.


Hazrat Bandagi MiranRZ's first wife was Hazrat Bibi Khub KalanRZ, who had great love for him. She died issueless. After long years, Hazrat Bandagi MiranRZ married Bibi Kad BanoRZ, daughter of Syed Usman. She gave birth to three sons, Hazrat Syed Abdul HaiRZ, Hazrat Syed AhmadRZ, and Hazrat Syed YaqubRZ and a daughter. Hazrat Syed Ahmad died in infancy.

Meanwhile, Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS had reached Thatta9 where 84 seekers of Allah Most High had succumbed to starvation and Hazrat Imam MahdiAS had given them the glad tidings of the ranks of the prophets, including those of Hazrat EsaAS and Hazrat MusaAS, to them all. Hazrat Syed SalamullahRZ, who was the brother of Hazrat Bibi IlahditiRZ and maternal uncle of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, wrote a letter to Hazrat Bandagi MiranRZ praising the latter very much. Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS was not happy with the other contents of this letter. He told Hazrat SalamullahRZ, "Miran Syed Mahmood is in Thatta and this banda [Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS] is in Chapanir." He repeated this thrice and said, "This banda is Miran, but Syed MahmoodRZ is Awwal Miran10 ! Hence, Hazrat SalamullahRZ rewrote the letter as suggested by Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS and sent it to Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ at Chapanir.

Dream and Return

When Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ saw this letter, he became restless and started lamenting. Meanwhile, he also saw in a dream that Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS and Hazrat Prophet Muhammad MustafaSLM lifted him to a standing position and said, "Stand up! This place is not worthy of you." When he woke up, he found himself standing outside the door of his house. He decided he would not go back into the house and sent word to his wife Bibi Kad BanoRZ, "You go to the house of your father, Syed Usman, and stay there. This banda goes to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS." The BibiRZ sent word, "I too will accompany you. Allah Most High will help us!"

The journey started and Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ reached Radhanpur in Gujarat. The provisions for the journey had been spent. Meanwhile, the companions of ImamAS, including Hazrat Shah Nei'matRZ and Bandagi Miyan Syed-ash-Shuhada Syed KhundmirRZ, also arrived at Radhanpur. Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ learnt that the journey provisions of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ had been spent and that, therefore, he was staying there. He brought all the futuh [donations] that Bibi Raje SoonRZ had sent to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS [through Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ] and presented them to Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ. The latter advised Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ to keep all the futuh with him and start the journey. The conversation between the two has been reported in the books of narratives [naqliat] and parables [rivayaat]. According to them, Hazrat Syed KhundmirRZ said, "Miranji! A thousand thanks to Allah Most High that we have met our Lord and the master of all these things. We have met our Mahdi here itself." Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ was very happy to hear these words. This shows how great love and devotion Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ had for Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ.

After this, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ arranged for a palanquin for Hazrat Bibi Kad BanoRZ. She was made to sit in it. Thus devotedly and sincerely serving Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, their caravan reached Thatta. There, they heard that Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS had continued his journey towards Khorasan. Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ was very sad at hearing news. This was conveyed to Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ. Then he told Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, "Miranji! We will go towards Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. It is easy for Allah Most High to help us reach the holy presence of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS safely. You need not be grief-stricken on this count. If you find there is not enough provisions or money to continue the journey this banda is at your service! You say sell him at the market place and use the money received to reach the august presence of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS 11 ."

The caravan continued its journey towards Khorasan. Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ sent Miyan Shaikh Muhammad KabirRZ to inform Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. The ImamAS was very happy to learn of the progress of the journey of his son, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, and Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ. He was restless and would not sit in peace. He would come to his house and then go to the gate of the daira12 . Hazrat Bibi BuwanjiRZ, wife of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS, and asked the ImamAS, "Does the Imam Mahdi too celebrate the arrival of his son in this way?" The ImamAS said, "The son comes as a [dutiful] son, why should it not be celebrated?"

Caravan arrives

When the caravan of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ and his colleagues arrived at the Daira, Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS went ahead to welcome his son and othersRZ. He embraced his son. The father and the son wept and their tears of joy at the reunion were so profuse that their shoulders became wet.

Later, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ praised the service Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ had rendered with love and devotion during the journey before Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. The latter told him, "Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ is [like] your real brother." Hazrat Bibi MalkanRZ [wife of Hazrat ImamAS] brought Hazrat Bibi Kad BanoRZ into the house. Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS gave glad tidings to Hazrat Bibi Kad BanoRZ.

Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS lived for six months after the arrival at Farah of the Syeds [Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed Mahmood Sani-e-MahdiRZ and Siddiq-e-Vilayat Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ]. During this short period, Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS trained the two Syeds in such a manner that they became the sun and moon of the realm of Tariqat and Ma'rifat [that is, of the Sainthood of Hazrat Prophet Muhammad MustafaSLM].

Death of Hazrat ImamAS

Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS breathed his last in 910 AH. Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ and Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nei'matRZ persuaded Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ to lead the funeral congregation of prayers. Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ led the prayers. He also delivered the condolence discourse of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS on the occasion.

On the tenth day after the demise of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ took Sani-e-MahdiRZ's permission and started on his journey to India. He came to Gujarat and camped at Sultanpur village. A large number of people paid fealty to Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS at his hands. The seekers of Allah Most High joined his daira.

After some nine months after the death of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS, Hazrat Sani-e-Mahdi Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ left Khorasan and arrived in India with his colleaguesRZ and camped at the Bhilot village. At that time, nine hundred shares of sawaiyyat were distributed in the daira of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ. [This means that there were 900 seekers of Allah Most High in his daira].

Hazrat Syed KhundmirRZ's devotion to Hazrat Syed MahmoodRZ

When the news of the arrival of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ and stay at Bhelot in Gujarat spread and Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ came to know of it, he came to the village of Bhilot and stayed in the company of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ. Later, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ told Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ, "You may please go to your daira as the seekers of Allah Most High may be waiting for you."

Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ said, "This banda [servant] has come with the intention of remaining in the company of the Miran13 [that is Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ]."

Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ said, "Make us happy and go." In this way Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ persuaded Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ to leave his daira and go to his own daira. Although Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ went away to please Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, his love and devotion towards the MiranRZ did not allow him to remain in Sultanpur in peace. A thought occurred to him that initially he had gone alone to Bhelot and probably that was why Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ did not allow him to stay there. He thought, "If I go now with the seekers of Allah Most High, he might allow me to stay there." Hence, four months later, Hazrat Syed ash-shuhda Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ arrived with all the seekers of Allah Most High of his daira to Bhelot to remain in the daira of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ and stayed there for about a month. Again, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ told Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ, "Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ! You stay separately." But Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ said, "I have come with the intention of remaining in your company."

It may be recalled here that Suhbat [company] has a special meaning among the Mahdavia community. Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS has, in accordance with the command of Allah Most High, made Suhbat-e-Sadiqin [company of the Truthful or those who have performed the tasdiq (affirmation and confirmation) of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS] a Farz [obligation of Vilayat]. The intention of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ indicates that he wanted to remain in the company of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ. This is a rare and magnificent example of the 'aj'z-o-inkisar [humility and lowliness] and 'ali zarfi [magnanimity and large-heartedness] of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ.

Then Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ took Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ by the hand to a secluded place and said, "I am the one who desires your good. Act as I ask you to. Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS has placed the burden of "fought and were slain14 " This would become impossible, if you remain with us. Hence, you remain separately so that the people listen to your bayan [discourse] on Quran, get initiated on your hand and help you so that the saying of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS is rendered possible." Hence, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ left Bhelot in tears with his companions and seekers of his daira and camped at Bholara15 .

Similarly, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ persuaded Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nei'matRZ, Bandagi Miyan Shah NizamRZ and many other companions of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS to establish their own dairas and live separately across the country to propagate the religion. His intention was that the Mahdavi dairas should be established at various places and the religion of the Mahdavis should flourish. A better example of the spreading the religion and call to the people towards it is hard to be found.

However, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah DilawarRZ remained in the daira of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ. When Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ tried to persuade him to leave Bhilot daira and establish his own daira, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah DilawarRZ asked Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ not to order him to leave his daira on oath in the name of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ ordered many other companions of Hazrat ImamAS to go and establish their own dairas. Apart from those who were ordered to go, all other companions of Hazrat ImamAS remained in the company of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ till the latter's death.

Weekly Congregations

Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ used to call the ijma [congregation] of the companionsRZ of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS every Friday after the prayers and address them by saying, "All of you are the companions of Hazrat Imam Aakhir-az-Zaman Khalifa-tur-Rahman16 . You are under oath in the name of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS and the religion of Allah Most High. If you find anything opposed to the Shar'iat or to the objective of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS in me and as a favour to me do not warn me about it, you will become a sinner of the religion. And Syed Mahmood is the most contemptible among the companionsRZ of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. But if I were to see anything opposed to the objective of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS in you and as a favour to you forgives you, I would not be of the MahdiAS." Be it known that all the companionsRZ of Hazrat Imam MahdiAS, and, in particular, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ used to reply, "We have not seen any difference between the times of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS and Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ 17 ."

Title of Sani-e-MahdiRZ

Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS died in Farah [in Western Afghanistan]. Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah NizamRZ entered the grave at the funeral to set right things before interring the body. All of a sudden Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ saw that the hair of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, that were black, had turned partly grey and the face of Hazrat Syed MahmoodRZ had become just like that of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. In a loud voice, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ said, "Our Mahdi is standing among us. We have not buried the MahdiAS." All those present, turned to Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ and expressed similar sentiments. In this way, the title of Hazrat Syed MahmoodRZ became Sani-e-MahdiRZ.

Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS had said that his companions were like the coals in a goldsmith's kiln wherein some coals had fully lighted, while others were half or even less lighted and some had just started being lighted. They would all be completely perfected in the guidance of Bhai Syed MahmoodRZ. This prediction finally came true. All the companions of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS became perfect during the Khilafat of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ.

The way Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ and other companionsRZ propagated the religion of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS made the opponents became envious. The opposing ulema-e-soo [the evil scholars] complained to king Muzaffar of Gujarat. This ruler was hostile to the Mahdavis. He ordered the arrest and imprisoning of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ. When the government official arrived, the HazratRZ extended his legs and said, "Obey the orders of your king." The oppressors put the shackles weighing one and a quarter maund [approximately 50 kgs.] on the legs of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ and took him away from his daira at Bhelot and incarcerated him in the prison. Hazrat Syed MahmoodRZ took Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah DilawarRZ with him. The officials prohibited others who wanted to accompany him.

When informed of this arrest and imprisonment, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ came to the prison and told Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ, "If permitted I will break the prison and take you out of it." Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ advised him against any such action and said, "We are not thieves that we should run away in that manner. Allah Most High has brought us here and He will rescue us from here. If you can do some thing else, try it."

Release and death

Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ informed the paternal aunts, Bibi Raje SoonRZ and Bibi Raje MuradiRZ, of king Muzaffar about the arrest and imprisonment of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ. Both the sisters of Muzaffar's father were the murids [disciples] of Hazrat Imam Mahdi Mau'oodAS. They abstained from food and water, came to the courtyard of their royal palace and lied down there in hot sun protesting the arrest and imprisonment. When Sultan Muzaffar came to know of it, he ordered the release of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ. He was set free forty-one days after incarceration. But due to the fetters weighing fifty kilograms, the legs had developed ulcers. Three months later, due to the ulcers, Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed Mahmood Sani-e-MadiRZ breathed his last on the 4th day of Ramazan, 918 AH. "To Allah we belong and to Him we return18 ." He was laid to eternal rest at Bhelot Sharif, Gujarat, India.

After the demise of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ, somebody said, "Alas! Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ did not leave a Khalifa." Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah DilawarRZ said in reply, "This banda is the Khalifa of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ." Similarly, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ Syed ash-shuhda also said, "Beware! This banda is the Khalifa of Hazrat Miran Syed MahmoodRZ."

On the day of the demise of Hazrat Sani-e-MahdiRZ, the azan [prayer call] was sounded at 18 places in the Daira of Bhelot. The prayer congregations were held at all those places. In this way, the centrality of the Mahdavia community that prevailed during the time of Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed Muhammad Mahdi Mau'oodAS and Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed MahmoodRZ came to an end. However, the affection and devotion between Hazrat Bandagi Miran Syed Mahmood Sani-e-MahdiRZ and Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed KhundmirRZ will survive and the magnanimity and grandeur of these two eminent personalities is an example of excellence for generations to follow


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